Special materials
In the design phase, it is extremely important to pay attention for choosing the right materials.
A service life requirement is defined for building services systems, which is typically 20-25 years for interchangeable building services systems. The service life is determined by the construction project builder or designer.
Components of ventilation systems are generally made of sheet steel. Additionally, also aluminium and copper alloys are used.
Based on the surrounding environment, the factors affecting the life of steel products are the following:
- mechanical, galvanic or organic corrosion.
- temperature fluctuations.
- UV radiation.
- thickness, structure and scratch resistance of the surface protection.
- maintenance and service intervals
The service life of the product will be shortened if a material unsuitable for the environment is used.
The corrosion resistance of metals is different, and there are different methods to protect against corrosion such as painting, electroplating or hot-dip galvanizing.
The corrosion resistance of the surface protection is also affected by the thickness of the protection and the environmental conditions to which the metal is exposed.
Read more from the information sheet of materials used by ETS NORD
ETS NORD material infoLearn more from our reference Kuntolaakso, which ended up with ETS NORD’s corrosion proof Magnelis® material. Magnelis® is a new, very good protective layer of steel sheet that protects against long-term wear.
Read more about Magnelis®
ETS NORD Magnelis® infoFor more information contact our specialists
Tuukka Karlsson
Product Group Manager
NORDexternal, NORDduct, NORDsilencer, NORDdoor, NORDdiffuser & NORDgrille
Kadi Alber
Head of Product Management, NORDduct, NORDsilencer, NORDexternal, NORDdoor, NORDdiffuser, NORDdamper & NORDgrille