Safe Finnish materials for sound absorption


ETS NORD’s silencers use Finnish environmentally friendly Ewonawool insulation boards, which are the only ones in Finland with the right to use the Allergy and Asthma Federation allergy label. The label ensures, among other things, that the insulation boards do not contain any contaminants and do not release fibre particles into the indoor air.

Ewonawool does not bind moisture and is therefore not prone to mould. Microbial growth platforms cannot be formed in the material.

Ewonawool insulation board uses dust-free polyester fibre material as insulation, which is made in Finland from recycled fibres. The carbon footprint of the Ewonawool insulation board is also reduced by the ease of disposal, and with the treatment of the insulation also the possibility of reusing.

Ask more from our specialist

Kadi Alber

Head of Product Management, NORDduct, NORDsilencer, NORDexternal, NORDdoor, NORDdiffuser, NORDdamper & NORDgrille