The RVD intake and exhaust air grille is stylish and efficient
ETS NORD’s new product is designed for exhaust air wall-mounted air blow-out and outdoor air intake from the façade of the building. The RVD intake and exhaust grille, which has excellent technical features, is also stylish, and its compact appearance fits in smoothly with the façade of the building.
RVD is especially suitable for properties with an apartment-specific ventilation solution. The RVD has an adjustable exhaust air outlet, so it is suitable for both large and small airflows (the required air velocity of more than 5 m/s is possible even with small airflows and there is no mixing of the airflows). Installation is facilitated by the interchangeable sides, which is possible thanks to the detachable front panels. The RVD has been proven to work in cold conditions and has excellent rainwater separation capacity.
There are also versions of the same product with either exhaust air only or air intake only: RVD-V and RVD-S.
Take a closer look at the technical features of the RVD intake and exhaust grille, which meet the technical requirements for wall-mounted air blow-out and outdoor air intake of residential ventilation.
Ask more from our specialist

Kadi Alber
Head of Product Management, NORDduct, NORDsilencer, NORDexternal, NORDdoor, NORDdiffuser, NORDdamper & NORDgrille