Ventilation for professional kitchens
Breathing should feel good.
The implementation of ventilation in professional kitchens is based on the demanding special features of the working conditions. The ventilation needs of the kitchen environment differ considerably from the requirements of other spaces. Kitchen ventilation consumes exceptionally large amounts of energy, causes emissions and consumes the room’s equipment, as well as the indoor air with dirt, grease and other contaminants.
Well-designed and implemented kitchen solutions, as well as high-quality products, guarantee a clean and safe working environment for staff, where it is healthy and productive to work.
We at ETS NORD, with extensive industry experience and the latest solutions lead the way in the product development, innovation and quality of professional kitchen ventilation.
Read more about our KITCHENiQ dimensioning program, which allows you to choose the right canopy size suitable for the needs of a professional kitchen.
KITCHENiQOur professional kitchen experts design clear and detailed dimensional drawings for you, free of charge.
Check out our Design ServiceETS NORD offers a comprehensive ventilation system that meets the requirements of the kitchen and restaurant environment.
High quality ventilation systems:
remove grease particles and other food-related contaminants
secure fire safety by keeping exhaust ducts grease-free
save energy by utilizing the heat exchanger
reduce the need for kitchen maintenance
remove odors
Take a look at our canopies from the link below.
NORDcanopyKitchen ventilation is like choosing the right skillet: anyone will do the job, but only the best will guarantee quality results.
Our NORDcanopy ventilation products for professional kitchens are manufactured from stainless steel. All our canopies are laser-welded, which makes the canopy seams tight and easy to clean. All welded grease canopies are equipped with ozone readiness. Ozone enables the efficient heat recovery , which significantly improves energy savings in the kitchen.
ETS NORD grease canopies are compatible with the Ansul fire extinguishing system, which has been proven to be reliable in accordance with even the most demanding quality standards.
The manufacturing processes of our products have taken into account the ergonomics of the kitchen staff, from design to implementation. Various lighting solutions and alternative supply air solutions facilitate the user experience.
Our range also includes a new unique aSAP solution for tight spaces and the ETS NORD ”Helping hand”, created specifically for the end user of the product. With the help of our filter removal tool, the staff of professional kitchens can conduct the cleaning of grease filters easily and safely.
Watch videos about the features of the aSAP solution and ETS NORD ”Helping Hand”:
For more information contact our specialists

Marcus Hintze
Export sales manager, NORDcanopy

Ann-Riin Ridbeck
Design Service Manager